I'm Jade! An Art Director, Designer and Artist.
I’m a visual thinker and collector.
I hoard knick knacks that catch my eye, like vintage postcards or antique jewelry, as a treasure box of visual ideas. Curating collections of interesting physical items inspires the intangible concepts I aim to create.
I people-watch and outfit analyze so hard that I’ve been told I have a staring problem.
I’m so obsessed with the old architecture in my neighborhood that my parents question if I’m trying to get them to move with all of the Zillow links I send them.
I collect so many vintage art pieces and posters that I’m running out of room on my walls.
Observation feeds my creativity, and I’m always hungry for more.
Born and raised in Portland Oregon, I’m a Pacific Northwest native who admires and embraces the culture and community that I was raised in. Please, stay a while and explore my work.